After a couple of very fun camping trips and an epic 24km walk across the Jurassic coast last year, I think Dorset has become my favorite county to visit! It also helps that it has one of the most photogenic coastlines in the UK, and I have somehow managed to avoid actually getting around to photographing of it!
So as one of my new year resolutions this year I told myself that I would make some time to visit this gorgeous country, and start out by photographing one of the south coasts most popular landmarks, Durdle Door!
My plan right now is to head down quite early in the year, around late March to April and likely camp in the Durdle Door Holiday Park. I can get a single plot for two nights for around 40GBP and will give me only a very short walk down to the beach. Although I know I am going to likely contend with poorer weather this early in the year, I know that this spot gets VERY busy in the summer and I would like if possible to try and take some pictures with as few people in as possible.

Lulworth Cove area and the nearby campsite where I will stay is about a two hour drive for me. So heading down after work on a Friday would mean setting up my tent in the dark then likely getting two chances at sunrise (Sat and Sun) and one shot of sunset. My battle plan, as shown above would therefore be to photograph Man O'War beach 1st at sunrise as the sun comes up from the East. Then take a walk along the clifftop pathway past Bat's Head, then finish the day with the sunset over Durdle Door.

The above shot was taken just after mid-day last year on the same stretch of coastline. I know that if I get lucky, even in the middle of the day I can get some beautiful lighting!